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Provocarea ALS si bancul lui Tarantino

*This guy comes into a bar, walks up to the bartender. Says, “Bartender, I got me a bet for you. I’m gonna bet you $300 that I can piss into that glass over there and not spill a single, solitary drop.” The bartender looks. I mean, we’re talking, like,...

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Telephony in the modern age

[edited on 2014-11-07 to mention cordless phones that work with mobile phones] Making voice calls using the telephone network is now antiquated. There are practically no good financial reasons to have a landline anymore if you can afford Internet at home...

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Things We Take For Granted in Canada

I was going to write a post about Orientation Week here and how it’s different from Canada, but most of that just fits into this post. 1: GINGER ALE: In Morocco, they say it takes about a month to get used to the food and spices. As such, your stomach...

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El Zidane del mediofondo

Sigo impresionado. Adel Mechaal me deslumbró ayer. Su decisión de competir en 1.500 y 3.000 metros en los Nacionales indoor me parece una de las opciones más valientes que recuerdo ahora mismo en un mediofondista. El atletismo español está muy necesitado...

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Follow buttons & the logged out user

Here is a new episode of my quest to understand and improve the follow button pattern on the web. Of course, I have found a lot of new follow buttons in this past month. Unfortunately, they all show the same characteristic: you can only use them if you...

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Une idée de génie (enfin, je crois)

(Texte initialement publié sur Margin Call) Amis lecteurs de ce nouveau site qui, ne nous le cachons pas, espère détrôner, à terme, de vénérables publications en vrai bois d’arbre mort comme Les Échos ou, plus prosaïquement, La Tribune, enfin bref, amis...

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