Provocarea ALS si bancul lui Tarantino

Publié le par Jonathan

*This guy comes into a bar, walks up to the bartender. Says, “Bartender, I got me a bet for you. I’m gonna bet you $300 that I can piss into that glass over there and not spill a single, solitary drop.” The bartender looks. I mean, we’re talking, like, this glass is like a good ten feet away. He says, “Now wait, let me get this straight. You’re tryin’ to tell me you’ll bet me $300 that you can piss, standing over here, way over there into that glass, and not spill a single drop?” Customer looks up and says, “That’s right.” Bartender says, “Young man, you got a bet.” The guy goes, “Okay, here we go. Here we go.” Pulls out his thing. He’s lookin’ at the glass, man. He’s thinkin’ about the glass. He’s thinkin’ about the glass. Glass. He’s thinkinabout the glass, glass. Thinkin’ about his dick. Dick, glass, dick, glass, dick, glass, dick, glass, dick, glass, dick, glass, dick, glass. And then, foosh, he lets it rip. And he pisses all over the place, man. He’s pissin’ on the bar. He pissin’ on the stools, on the floor, on the phone, on the bartender! He’s pissing everywhere except the fucking glass! Right? Okay. So, bartender, he’s laughing his fuckin’ ass off. He’s $300 richer. He’s like, “Ha, ha, ha, ha!” Piss dripping off his face. “Ha, ha, ha, ha!” He says, “You fucking idiot, man! You got it in everything except the glass! You owe me $300 punta.” Guy goes, “Excuse me just one-one little second.” Goes in the back of the bar. In back, there’s a couple of guys playing pool. He walks over to them. Comes back to the bar. Goes, “Here you go, Mr. Bartender, $300.” And the bartender’s like, “What the fuck are you so happy about? You just lost $300, idiot!” The guy says, “Well, see those guys over there? I just bet them $500 apiece that I could piss on your bar, piss on your floor, piss on your phone, and piss on you, and not only would you not be mad about it, you’d be happy *

Bancul spus de Tarantino in Desperado se potriveste perfect pentru toata povestea asta cu provocarea ALS si turnatul de apa rece in cap. Pentru ca singura explicatie e ca undeva cineva a pus un pariu si rade: am sa conving toate celebritatile sa isi toarne apa cu gheata in cap si nu numai ca vor fi fericiti sa o faca, vor da si bani pentru asta. Alternativa e de neconceput, ca celebritatile, modelele noastre sunt niste stupizi care de frica unui PR prost se baga in orice.

Nu am nimic cu initiativele filantropice, consider chiar ca sunt prea putine. Doar ca a dona bani pentru ALS e cumplit de ineficient intr-o lume in care se moare la propriu de foame si cei care o fac batandu-se cu pumnul in piept arata cat de putin inteleg asta.

In primul rand ALS este o boala extrem de putin inteleasa. Este in stadiul de cercetare fundamentala in care fiecare farama de cunoastere se plateste scump in timp, bani si resurse. Cele cateva zeci de milioane stranse pot doar amorsa acest proces si cum e putin probabil ca la anul sa mai existe o campanie la fel de productiva, echipa de cercetatori s-ar trezi brusc fara bani. Exact din acest motiv banii vor dormi in conturile fundatiei si se vor irosi pe pliante si alte bazaconii. De altfel chiar spun pe site ca se chinuie sa faca o comisie care sa decida cum sa cheltuie cei 88 de milioane primiti. Ne putem imagina cu totii ce va iesi din asta.

In al doilea rand este stupid sa faci o campanie care sa aduca "awareness” in randul populatiei asupra unei boli care e netransmisibila si nu e rezultatul unei decizii asupra stilului de viata. Ok, am aflat, e oribila, in afara de a ma abtine sa ma reproduc daca cumva o am, nu prea am ce face sa o opresc.

Intr-o lume in care e atat de multa saracie si nefericire, e aproape sfidator ca toti cei care ar putea face ceva sa o schimbe aleg sa se prosteasca pe youtube si sa doneze sume de altfel modice catre o boala pe care nu o inteleg, care are nevoie de mult mai mult doar pentru a fi cercetata, si de care intr-un mod evident nu le pasa.

Asta in cazul in care nu deturneaza pur si simplu scopul si isi fac campanie electorala cum este cazul abject al Monicai Macovei.

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